Your future is brighter when you’re more prepared

Becoming a member of i-boardroom peer board is a business decision that sends a signal. You’re ready to think differently and do differently, because you want a better result. i-boardroom is your independent board and will help you to achieve even more. 

You will be invited to join a specific board which meets regularly at the same carefully selected location each time.

Boards comprise owner or senior exec representation from 6-12 non-conflicting businesses. It is expected that the same person from each business will attend each time, although it is possible to send a substitute if you are unable to attend. 

Each board meeting is 3 hours long and runs from 1000-1300, followed by a light lunch. 

There are 10 board meetings each year as well as a summer and festive celebration. 




Learn more skills



Great People

Your extended board




Solve and explore

What happens in a board meeting?

Your i-boardroom peer board meeting follows the same format each time and is run as a boardroom meeting should be. 

In broad stroke terms, we cover:

Round the table accountability update 
It’s always important to commit to take action. If you needed any additional encouragement, you can be safe in the knowledge that your Chair and fellow board members are eagerly awaiting your progress update. 

i-boardroom has a phenomenal bank of content which is constantly being added to and improved. It mirrors the three pillars of leadership, strategy, and reporting. Workshops utilise experience from real issues, positive psychology, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and more. It will be facilitated by the Chair or a guest speaker. 

You’ll also have the opportunity to share your personal actions from workshop.

SAS Hot Seat
Don’t worry, you’re not going to get shipped off to a military exercise. SAS is: Solve/Assess/Simplify in this case. The Hot Seat provides a platform for members to confidentially discuss an issue in their business or potential opportunity – anything that would benefit from peer support. 

Success and tips
We actively encourage members to share their successes and any tips they have. A tip could be as simple as a new piece of software or referencing a good book. It’s about bonding together to help individual and collective progression. 

A light lunch is provided and as the meeting draws to a formal close, there’s the opportunity to continue discussions with other members or head off to the office. 

In business, it can be easy to ‘major on the minors and minor on the majors’. An i-boardroom peer board is the ideal way to spend time on the things that matter most. 

It's been a pleasure to work with Sam. He's a consultant who genuinely cares about the impact of his work and willing to build a long term relationship with the people he's coaching and working with.
John Ord
Head of People

Here’s a quick reminder of the benefits of joining:

Safe environment and confidential

Improve leadership, strategy, and reporting skills

Time to work ‘on’ rather than ‘in’ the business 

Gain knowledge and experience from others

Avoid mistakes and pitfalls

Benefit from accountability

Explore opportunities and network

Expand your business support

i-boardroom makes your unaffordable ideal board affordable.


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